Ok so i have followed your advice and installed the "Hikashop Orders Automatic Cancel Plugin" and set its period to 180 (which im assuming is seconds?). I have setup the following cron job in my crontab:-
*/3 * * * * wget "http://www.mysite.com/dev/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=cron"
The "dev" subfolder is intentional as im building this extension on a development site.
I have also set hikashop to email me when the cron job executes. I have received the following email:-
HikaShop Triggered at 28 July 2015 12:53
Orders checked
However, when i view the orders the orders in the "created" state have not been set to "cancelled". Do you know why this would be? The last order that was placed into the "created" state on my development site was on 2015-07-23 10:23.