-- HikaShop version -- : Business 2.6.4.
-- Joomla version -- : 3.6.5.
I'm making e-shop for client, and I've purchased Hikashop Business - so far so good, and I've mostly found a way to do most of the things that customer wanted for the shop. But I've stumbled across these two things that I couldn't figure out -
1. Customer wants to apply fixed discounts for some products every other week. He does it through Orders>Discounts, and applies fixed sum as discount to individual products, as necessary. Client also have category called "Special offers" where he wants to display all products with discounts at that moment. Following problems arises -
- To show all discounted products in separate category, client is now forced to manually edit each product that he have applied discount to, and temporarly add it to "Special offer" category by hand (and remove it from category after the discount period has ended)
- Client is using time-based discounts (automatically starting and ending), and as a result he doesn't want to manually edit the products each time when discount starts or ends
Isn't there any easy way to simply display all products that has discounts applied at any given time?
2. In hikashop options I've set default discount display as "
Old price New price". While this works when client opens product page,
in all other category and product views discount is instead showed as "(discount amount) Price". I don't understand, where else I have to change this option to work as expected across all the shop? I'm not using any modules or Hikashop menus - just a single button "Shop" in the main navigation, and I have set discount view to "
Old price New price" there as well, but it simply doesn't work outside product view...