I don't like to begin moaning or bashing the support here, but I have to say that I am disappointed (at least).
I upgraded to Hikashop 3 in January. Upon installing it, I found out it caused a number of serous issues. I had to uninstall it the same day and revert back to Hikashop 2. A few days ago I decided to install the latest version of Hikashop 3, and check if the issues have been ironed out. Yes, most problems have indeed been fixed. Thanks.
BUT there is still a huge issue, concerning a completely wrong calculation in the coupon discount, when taxes apply.
I emailed you on Thursday morning, asking for your assistance. I emailed you 2 more times in the process. Today it's Saturday. I've received no reply. I wouldn't bother if this was about a slideshow, or another type of add-on. But this is about an e-shop. And when an e-shop has flaws, then it's getting more serious.
I have already emailed you a number of screenshots that describe the issue.
I am going to describe it again, in brief, here.
In the Hikashop configuration, the discounts have been set to apply BEFORE TAXES.
I've created a 50% discount for product X, whose price is 10 euros.
In Hikashop 2, the discount was calculated correctly: 5 euros.
Now look what Hikashop 3 calculates:
If the calculations were correct, the discount should be 5 euros. The Total cost should be 5 * 24% = 6.2 euros and NOT 4.71 euros!
Instead of 5 euros, Hikashop 3 calculated 6.20 euros in the 50% discount!
How come? It applied the VAT to the discount! This is wrong.
Please advise
promptly. And please don't throw the ball in my court.
It's not about the money I spent on a product version that I am not using. What I want is this version to work properly.