-- HikaShop version -- : 2.3.4
-- Joomla version -- : 3.3.6
-- PHP version -- : 5.3.28
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Fire Fox 32.0.3
I just want to request if possible in next HikaShop Version to have some button that disables Filter to show empty fields.
I had to create a Field in each Personalized Field like "Choose Value" but it's empty, just the Title, this field is to use when a product don't have one characteristic even all the rest had, so if I don't have this field I had to choose some other that is wrong for visitors to see.
The problem is that this field is shown in the filters and everytime I update the hikashop component I have to go to administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/filters and add this
if(empty($val[0])) continue;
$html.='<span class="hikashop_filter_checkbox">'.$input.'<label for="field_'.$filter->filter_id.'_'.$key.'_'.$divName.'">'.JText::_(JText::_($val[1])).'</label>'.$deleteButton.'</span>';
in line 1617
I remove the BR to, no need this, just CSS.
Thanks for all your help