That's how the system is made.
If you want to change that, you need to edit the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/filter.php and remove all the % characters in the code:
if(@$searchProcessing != 'any'){
foreach($terms as $term){
if(empty($term)) continue;
$array =array();
foreach($searchField as $column){
$array[]=' b.'.$column.' LIKE \'%'.hikashop_getEscaped($term, true).'%\' ';
$fields[] = ' reference_field = \''.$column.'\' ';
$list[]='('.implode(' OR ', $array).')';
$translationList[] = 'value LIKE \'%'.hikashop_getEscaped($term, true).'%\'';
$filters[]='('.implode(' AND ', $list).')';
$translationFilters = '('.implode(' AND ', $translationList).')';
foreach($terms as $term){
foreach($searchField as $column){
$list[]=' b.'.$column.' LIKE \'%'.hikashop_getEscaped($term, true).'%\' ';
$fields[] = ' reference_field = \''.$column.'\' ';
$translationList[] = 'value LIKE \'%'.hikashop_getEscaped($term, true).'%\'';
$filters[]='('.implode(' OR ', $list).')';
$translationFilters = '('.implode(' OR ', $translationList).')';
Then, the filter will only match exact values.