Please check in the view "product / show_default" that the following lines are present:
echo $this->loadTemplate();
And check that you have the view "product / show_block_social" with that content:
//PLUGIN hikashop social
$pluginsClass = hikashop_get('class.plugins');
$plugin = $pluginsClass->getByName('system', 'hikashopsocial');
if (@ $plugin->published || @ $plugin->enabled) {
echo '{hikashop_social}';
}else{ //backward compatibility added on 31/07/2014
$plugin = $pluginsClass->getByName('content', 'hikashopsocial');
if (@ $plugin->published || @ $plugin->enabled) {
echo '{hikashop_social}';
If you have these codes, and the hikashop social media plugin published and set up, so that must be displayed.
Regarding the search plugin, once configured with a correct itemid value, you just have to use the Joomla search module and put it where you want in the page.