Thank you Nicolas.
Please see the full sql below.
The issue seems to be in the where clause, a.product_id NOT IN (53,54,)
It seems missing that it is missing a product id. What is this exclusion about?
SELECT DISTINCT a.product_id AS id, a.product_name, a.product_alias, a.product_canonical, a.product_created AS created ,
a.product_description, "1" AS browsernav, b.category_id as category_id
FROM aaa_hikashop_product AS a INNER JOIN aaa_hikashop_product_category AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id
WHERE a.product_published=1 AND a.product_type='main' AND (a.product_access = 'all' OR a.product_access LIKE '%,1,%')
AND b.category_id IN (2,12,14,15,31,32,34,44,39,36,45,46,47,48,49,50) AND ((((a.product_name LIKE '%test%')))
OR (((a.product_description LIKE '%test%')))) AND a.product_id NOT IN (53,54,)
GROUP BY (a.product_id) ORDER BY a.product_modified DESC LIMIT 0, 47