If you check the javascript code for the cursor filter on the page, you can see this:
As you can see there, between the parameter name and the parameter value, the ":" is missing for all the parameters.
So for example, instead of:
step 1
you should have:
step: 1
This comes from the code:
$params.="\r\n".$key.': '.$option.',';
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/filter.php
So either that code was modified to remove the ":" (which is highly unlikely, or there is something processing the HTML/JS code on the page and stripping out the ":" from there.
Now, if I look at the source of the page with my browser, I do see the ":" there:
So that means that it's some javascript loaded on the page which modifies the javascript of HikaShop before it is run and breaks it.
Now, if I look at your template's JS file:
I see this at the end:
$('#g-sidebar div.hikashop_filter_main').html(function(i, html) {
return html.replace(/\:/g,'');
This code is made specifically to remove the ":" from the filter area of HikaShop and thus breaks the javascript code there...