Filters can work both ways.
It's just a matter of settings.
Right now, while you have activated the "force redirect" setting, you left the "menu" setting empty in the settings of your filter module.
In that case, or if the "force redirect" setting is turned off, the filter module will filter the products of the current products listing. So if the current products listing only contains the products of a specific category, the filter will only filter products of that category.
What you want to do is first to make sure that you've configured a menu item of the type "products listing" which can displays all the products of your shop when accessed. You can do so via the Joomla menu manager.
Then, in the menu setting of the filter module, select that menu item in the "menu" setting.
That way, instead of using the current products listing when using the filter module, the system will redirect the filtering to the menu item configured in that setting, and thus displaying the results based on all the products of the shop.