Can you :
- Go to the page "Hikashop->System->Emails"
- Edit the "HikaAuction : Auction outbid notification" email
- Edit the "Preload version" code
- Replace that line :
$front_product_url = hikashop_frontendLink('product&task=show&cid[]='.$data->product->product_id . $url_itemid);
By :
$front_product_url = hikashop_frontendLink('index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid[]=' . $data->product->product_id . $url_itemid);
We go live in a couple hours. I'm guessing this is not an easy solve? Also wondering if the email titles not functioning has something to do with the issue?
Actually we already fixed that issue through the last HikaAuction version, you'll just have to download it through our website, and install it.
Thank you for your feedback !