Problem: I override the view bids.php (Bidding history), which I put in the following folder /templates/name/html/com_hikashop/bidderauction. When I decide to search or sort by the column in the table - override the view is not followed and returns the default view. The problem is caused by changing the url address from /index.php/user-panel/bidder/bids on /index.php?option=com_hikaauction&ctrl=user&task=bids&Itemid=254. How can I fix this problem?
That's because you should add that file through the folder : /templates/name/html/com_hikaauction/bidderauction
After the auction ends, nothing happens. Should there be a cron task to redirect the winner to the checkout? Can a little clarification?
Yes, you should configure and use either the Hikashop or HikaAuction cron which will launch the delivery of emails for the winner and outbided customers.
For more information about Crons :
Kind regards,
Mohamed Thelji.