Hi Jerome,
Hikasubscription version is: 5.0.0
you are mentioning credentials:
The legacy paypal plugin is out of date and your system says use paypal checkout payment plugin.
See screenshots, in the recurring plugin there is no way to enter credentials..?? so that is why i think sandbox should work, to test..

Here the log report for one recurring payment.
[cmd] => _xclick-subscriptions
[upload] => 1
[business] => administratie@bluepoint-webdesign.nl
[receiver_email] => administratie@bluepoint-webdesign.nl
[invoice] => 6
[currency_code] => EUR
[return] => https://bluepoint-concept.nl/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=after_end&order_id=6&Itemid=112
[notify_url] => https://bluepoint-concept.nl/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=notify¬if_payment=paypal_recurring&tmpl=component&lang=nl&Itemid=112
[cancel_return] => https://bluepoint-concept.nl/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=cancel_order&order_id=6&Itemid=112
[undefined_quantity] => 0
[test_ipn] => 1
[shipping] => 0
[no_shipping] => 1
[no_note] => 1
[charset] => utf-8
[rm] => 2
[bn] => HikariSoftware_Cart_WPS
[address_override] => 1
[first_name] => Michiel
[last_name] => Stiekema
[address1] => Mozartlaan 25 S
[address2] =>
[zip] => 1217 CM
[city] => Hilversum
[state] => Rhône
[country] => FR
[email] => mark@bluepoint-webdesign.nl
[night_phone_b] => 0357009785
[amount_1] => 120.00
[item_name_1] => Totaalprijs
[paymentaction] => authorization
[txn_type] => subscr_payment
[item_name] => Totaalprijs
[a3] => 120.00
[p3] => 1
[t3] => Y
[src] => 1
[sra] => 0
Hope you can help.