Sorry you're right. The J 1.5 tables were empty. We restored them again.
Your questions:
Is it a Virtuemart page?
This is the 1.5 VM site:
Tis is the 3.2 Hikashop site:
Do you mean those characteristics aren't imported to Hikashop ?
That's right. They aren't imported!
In table 'joom_vm_product`, field 'attribute' attribute there all the variants with a price. It looks like this:
beschikbare maten,6/8 cm hoogte circa 225 cm blotewortel[=20.75472],6/8 cm hoogte circa 225 cm met kluit[=30.18868],8/10 cm hoogte circa 275 cm blotewortel[=28.30189],8/10 cm hoogte circa 275 cm met kluit[=37.73585],boom in pot leverbaar op prijsaanvraag[=0.00]
This has to be imported in Hikashop.