I am the designer of this Joomla 2.5 site
. This site is a shopping cart that I put together using Phoca Gallery and Paypal. This worked GREAT for search engines. Every newly added product is automatically added to the sitemap which was submitted to Google Webmaster Tools.
They sold out of a few categories within a month or two of launching the site. (Search for Santa Fe Church Models and you'll see her ranking - just for individual categories like this. It's been fabulous.) The owner is hiring new people and we want to simplify the process of adding/deleting products. At this point the poor web maintenance person has to log into Paypal to create each button. OSTraining sent info about your cart so I thought of HikaShop. Here are my questions:
1) Can there be a sitemap, both HTML (available on the site) and xml for Google Webmaster Tools that automatically grows as products are added and also as blog posts are added in Joomla? So this means there would be one sitemap for Joomla content and HikaShop. Is that possible? If not, can there be two sitemaps? I use XMAP now to tie Phoca Gallery to Joomla and generate one sitemap.
2) They have about 150 to 200 products on the website at any given time and front end editing would be ideal. Would you recommend HikaMarket Front-edition?
3) Please look at the site and see how the products look. How closely could we match the look?
4) We now have about 30 categories of products, 13 of which are subcategories. Is this possible in HikaShop?
5) Would you be available to support me in incorporating Hikashop with the same or similar look and feel as the current site?
6) Would you be available to support me building the site? I have built hundreds of Joomla sites and I'm no slouch.
7) I'm thinking I should start a new site using Joomla 3 if we make this change, copying and pasting out of the old site. Do you agree?
Is there is a way to import from Phoca Gallery in Joomla to Hika Shop.