Sorry for the delay.
So I see quite a lot of problems in both the CSVs you provided.
First, for the hikashop 2.12.csv:
1. There are some problems with the quotes in the product description of some products leading to a mismatch between the columns and the data that should be in them around the 50th row of your file
2. Besides the product_name, price_value and product_description columns everything else is empty (besides the categories column for the first product). If you don't have anything in a column, don't put the column.
Second, for the Hydromarket 2015 CSV products.csv:
1. There is the same problem with the quotes and the description at around line 50 of the CSV.
2. The product_parent_id has a D instead of a d at the end of the column name.
3. The product_parent_id column should contain the product_code of a main product or nothing. If it contains a product_code of a main product, it means that the current row is a variant of the main product and there should be a characteristic column with the value for each variant and for the main product (you can read more about importing variants/characteristics in our import documentation page:
). But maybe each line is its own product and in that case, you just don't need that column and should not have it.
4. You can remove the product_id column. The id will be added automatically by HikaShop.
5. The product_vendor_id should contain the id of the vendor, not its name.
6. The categories column should contain the name of the category of the product, not a price.
7. The parent_category column should contain only the name of the parent category or just remove it. If you already have your categories on your HikaShop, you don't need it and the name of the category is enough for each product.