I looked into this a bit further and noticed a "little" mistake by me: VM was set up to have both english and german content (even though the english content wasn't filled) and the site itself did not have a german content language. After adding that one and selecting german content to be imported, the products and categories were correctly imported. However, the images were not, so I had to write the following query to get those imported, too:
INSERT INTO #__hikashop_file (file_ref_id, file_path, file_type, file_ordering) SELECT hkvmprod.hk_id, REPLACE(vmm.file_url, 'images/stories/virtuemart/product', ''), 'product', vmpm.ordering
FROM #__virtuemart_medias as vmm
LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_product_medias as vmpm ON vmpm.virtuemart_media_id = vmm.virtuemart_media_id
LEFT JOIN #__hikashop_vm_prod as hkvmprod ON vmpm.virtuemart_product_id = hkvmprod.vm_id
WHERE file_type = 'product'
I also had to copy the files themselfs by hand.