Try changing the line:
'INNER JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vmo.virtuemart_user_id = hkusr.user_cms_id '.
'LEFT JOIN `#__hikashop_user` AS hkusr ON vmo.virtuemart_user_id = hkusr.user_cms_id '.
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/import/vm2.php
and try again. It should allow the import of orders, even without users attached to them.
Regarding the addresses, I remember we fixed some issues with it when there was no country or state in the addresses, which lead to the addresses not being imported. That way in march. But since you have the latest version, you already have that fix, and thus it mus tbe something else.
Could you provide more information on the addresses ? How are they in the database ?