nicolas wrote: Hi,
1. you can use the id of the category instead of the name in the "categories" column
Otherwise, you can also use the "parent_category" column to specify the parent category of the category name in the "categories" column. In that case, the system will be able to distinguish between them.
I have already checked the csv exported and I see there is a column
categories with
"shoes,man", then the
categories_ordering with
"1,10", so I guess the shoes has the ID 1 and the man has the ID 10.
But on my hikashop categories panel, I see
man = ID 69 and
shoes = ID 84. So, I don't understand where Hikashop get the number ID.
Additionally, you said I can use the id of the category instead of the name in the "categories" column, but I'm already using the
categories column and the
categories_ordering. The issue is that in my backend I have the
shoes categories for woman and the
shoes categories for man.
The name is the same but the products are different.
If I use the "parent_category" I should add the
shoes tag but the problem is still not being solved because "shoes" could means for hikashop, the category for womand or the category for man.
How to solve?