-- HikaShop version -- : 4.0.2
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.3
-- PHP version -- : 7.2.15
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/icxdev14/public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/spreadsheet.php on line 179
I've read where the Brand property of a product is handled through the Category system. However, using a clean install of Hikashop Business 4.0.2, the CSV Product export fails when trying to export the Brand ID value (in the manufacturer_id field) because the spreadsheet helper is being sent data which includes an object in the manufacturer_id field. That object contains both the category_id value and the category_name of the Brand. The error being displayed says that the object can't be converted to a string value.
This occurs during the "Export Products" function in the Spreadsheet helper document on line 179, but populating that data object happens somewhere before the data reaches that document.
Ultimately I plan to add a custom fields to certain Brands (Categories) for use by a custom plugin that will modify shipping costs for products which can be drop-shipped specifically from that manufacturer (the customer will choose between shipping to their own curbside address or picking the product up after it is shipped directly to the retailer).