It seems that your developer is talking about some other code "on line 2640". Now, I don't know which modification he is talking about ? One we made or one he made ? Or even if he is talking about the massaction.php file or the csv2xml.php file or another file.
So I can't say much more. I don't know which error you had nor what code triggered the error, for what reason ? So I'm in the dark here and thus can't say much.
Regarding his question on the HIKASHOP_J30 constant, it is set by HikaShop at the beginning of the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php based on your current version of Joomla:
$jversion = preg_replace('#[^0-9\.]#i','',JVERSION);
define('HIKASHOP_J16', true); define('HIKASHOP_J17', true); define('HIKASHOP_J25',true);
define('HIKASHOP_J30',version_compare($jversion,'3.0.0','>=') ? true : false);
As you can see, it bases itself on the JVERSION constant which is set by Joomla based on the current version of Joomla on its end (