Thank you.
I have already made a another system that convert XML for CSV that is supported by HikaShop. I have also make a cron job to import products.
But when I’am importing products from file, product that was created by client by him self, manually is disappearing. If I turn off function “Delete variants not in the CSV”, product that was deleted in supported XML file still is in shop, so I can’t do that.
It could be perfect to have a function in HikaShop that will prevent deleting product that was manually insert by user on import CSV file. Maybe some checkbox in every product – don’t delete this product during importing CSV file.
It would be also grate to import XML files. With CSV files there is a lot of problems. I spend on this many hours and many errors occurs.
Maybe now is some solution to my problem and I don’t know about it?
Than you for help and I hope so, that my opinion will be helpful for you.