Hi Mohamed,
Tried removing all the configs for the plugin, no change. Please see my response to the FAQ's
1) Check that the manual shipping plugin is installed and published (installed and published, including manual shipping plugin)
2) Check that you have some shipping methods defined in the Manual shipping methods listing in System->Shipping methods (Plugin is listed and enabled, first in the list)
3) If those shipping methods have restrictions make sure that your methods cover all the possible cases (if you have one for weight 20 kg, if the order weights 15kg, the system won't find any suitable shipping methods) (all weight restrictions removed)
4) Check that your template is able to display error messages:
(no error messages appear when Joomla debug is turned on)
5) Check that your products have a weight, otherwise, the system won't display any shipping methods as it will consider the products as virtual goods. (all products have weight, in kilograms)
6) Check that you have the shipping view in the checkout workflow option of the configuration 7) If you restricted your shipping methods to zones, check that the address you're using is inside those zones ! Otherwise the shipping methods will be filtered out. (shipping step is configured in checkout workflow)
Be sure to have valid units in the configuration as only a set of units are valid as stated in the documentation of the configuration page :
(units are valid and consistent across all products mm and kgs)
9) Please try to use the same weight and dimension units as the first unit configured in the unit option of the configuration. For example, if you have the units m,dm,cm,mm configured and you use mm for your products dimensions, HikaShop will convert all your dimensions into the first unit (m in that case) to run the comparisons. However, the comparisons are limited to a certain number of decimals and your dimensions might end up as being considered as 0. So, in that case, you would have to change the unit option of the configuration to mm,m,dm,cm (as above)
In summary the manual shipping optios are showing in the checkout process but the AU post is only working on older products). If you need to have a closer look I can provide you with a login and password as the shop access level is special. I will give you product detail too.