If I use Your new mail, I will lose all my changes
It is not the right way, that I have to do all my changes again after each update
I am sure, that the customer enter the shipping address, because I am a test customer
And the mail, what the administrator recieves, has the shipping address
If I use Your new mail, I need followed changes:
1) The mail goes not only to customer, but to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. too.
The code was in the old mail at the end
<?php $data->customer->user_email = array($data->customer->user_email,'bestellung@cobinet.de'); ?>
2) I need net preis, net total, tax price and grand total
Grand total = net total + tax price
The code was in the old mail after $config =& hikashop_config();
The mail, that the administrator recieves, has right net preis, net total, tax price and grand total
If the customer will recieve the same, it is Ok
3) I need CobiNet Impressum
In old mail I set the code after
<?php echo JText::sprintf('BEST_REGARDS_CUSTOMER',$mail->from_name);?> <br/>
<?php echo JText::sprintf('COBINET_IMPRESSUM');?><br/>
How can I do all this changes in Your new mail?