1. So the solution will probably be to edit the "address_view" file of the "checkout" view of your front-end template through "Hikashop->Display->Views" and change this line :
$html = $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('HIKA_NEW'),'new',$this->params,'','var link = document.getElementById(\'hikashop_checkout_'. $this->type.'_address_new_link\'); if(link) return hikashopEditAddress(link,'.(int)$same_address.',true); return false;');
$html = $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('HIKA_ADDRESS_NEW'),'new',$this->params,'','var link = document.getElementById(\'hikashop_checkout_'. $this->type.'_address_new_link\'); if(link) return hikashopEditAddress(link,'.(int)$same_address.',true); return false;');
And add this line through your
translation file
HIKA_ADDRESS_NEW="Your translation"
2. Can you complete another order through your website with a billing address different than your shipping one, and check that you have different addresses through your email or your order configuration page ("