I just finished doing development for a client on my test server and did the normal 'export/import' of the database and archive/move/un-archive of the site files on the other server. For the most part everything is working fine, except my HkaShop. Any call to the shop at all produces a blank screen and the only code that gets spit to the page has something with:
<div style="display:none;"><a rel="{handler: 'iframe',size: {x: 480, y: 140}}" id="hikashop_notice_box_trigger_link" href="/component/hikashop/checkout/notice/cart_type-cart/tmpl-component"></a><a rel="{handler: 'iframe',size: {x: 480, y: 140}}" id="hikashop_notice_wishlist_box_trigger_link" href="/component/hikashop/checkout/notice/cart_type-wishlist/tmpl-component"></a></div>
The strange thing is in the backend of the Hikashop some products come up, but others produce the same 'blank hang' when you click on them. I thought perhaps there was possible corruption in the file transfer process, but I attempted it twice, with different SQL files and site file archives.
For all intents and purposes the two site environments are identical, both linux servers, both running Apache, both running PHP 5.3, but my test server was running MySQL 5.0.96 (I can't tell if that's the libmysql version or software version) and the new production server is running 5.5.33 - libmysql verion 5.0.96 (should that make a difference?) There isn't really any other difference for these two Joomla systems as they are identical in build on both ends.
I'm really in a bind here