If you get an error during the install after it processed for a while, it means that the joomla installer doesn't have enough time to extract the install package until hitting the "max_execution_time" limit parameter of your server.
So trying different joomla versions or quickstart won't change anything to that.
You either need to ask your hosting company to increase that parameter value as it is too low (our install package is a big package with lots of files in it so it takes time to extract), or you use the install via FTP procedure explained on our documentation (
) and that way your circumvent the limitation of your hosting as the files are already extracted and joomla can directly proceed to the installation of the files.
And no HikaShop doesn't run any queries which are not optimized after its install fails sine in order to do that it would first have to be installed. Right now, the files of the package are not even all extracted on your website so it's not possible for HikaShop to do anything on your website as the files are not even in the correct place.