What do you mean by " the log says it should have" ?
Which log says that ?
Are you maybe talking about the email server log ? It should contain the reason the email couldn't be sent, if the issue comes from the email server.
Do you see the email in the menu Customers>Emails history ?
Is its information correct there ?
Yes I did mean the Customers Email History. The emails do appear there and the information appears correct, see attached
Also, you say that it happens with PHP 7.1 and not with the 7.0. This means that you must probably use another php.ini
Do you receive other emails ? Because it might simply be due to your php.ini email settings not set properly for your PHP 7.1
No, I did not say that it happens with PHP 7.1 and not with 7.0
This is a
completely different issue that happens when purchasing items and going through the Cart process.
The last payment step generates a 500 error with 7.1
This is not the problem I am asking help with, please forget I even mentioned this
Can we deal with the first 2 lines of my original post
I have been unable to get the emails when I change the order status.
When changing the email address to myself on a order I do not receive an email