I try to explain me better.
In the registration form there is a select field, where if a user selects "fattura" it shows below the field "partita iva" while if the user selects "ricevuta" it shows "codice fiscale".
Now If the user choses "ricevuta" and He fills that field with his data,after the registration if I check the data of registration or his order that field will seem empty, with no data inside just that field!
If you see old message I attached also the screen shot of the setting and the last message of nicolas sayd:
Please make sure that you added the corresponding tag for the address_fiscale custom field in the "address_template" view file for both your frontend and backend template via the menu Display>Views:
For that reason I copyed the code of address_template.php to show that I added the corresponding tag for the address_fiscale custom field in the "address_template" view file for both your frontend and backend template.
I hope the issue is clear now:blush: