-- HikaShop Business version -- : 3.1.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.7.2
-- PHP version -- : 7.0.21
I also need to display the Tax Rate calculate with each product, since I have 10% VAT and 15% VAT. I solved problem this adding the following code at the end of --> com_hikashop > product > listing_price.php
<br /> (inkl. <?php echo $this->row->prices[0]->taxes[0]->tax_rate*100.0; ?>% MwSt) </span>
Unfortunately, after updating HikaShop to 3.1.1. this stop working
Could you please tell me with the code goes for it it work again? I tried to figure it out with your comment in this Topic but I don't get it working
Thanks in advanced for the help!