You can use such code to do that:
window.Oby.registerAjax(['checkout.user.updated'], function(params){
Such javascript can be added anywhere on the page. I'd recommend in the "show" file of the "checkout" view via the menu Display>Views.
2. There is no option.
You would have to edit the file "form" of the view "product" for your backend template in order to add that in that code:
if(hikashop_acl('product/edit/volume')) { ?>
<dt class="hikashop_product_volume"><label for="data_product__product_length"><?php echo JText::_('PRODUCT_VOLUME'); ?></label></dt>
<dd class="hikashop_product_volume">
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on"><?php
echo str_replace('#MYTEXT#', '<i class="hk-icon-14 icon-14-length"></i>', hikashop_tooltip(JText::_('PRODUCT_LENGTH'), '', '', '#MYTEXT#', '', 0));
<input size="10" style="width:50px" type="text" id="data_product__product_length" name="data[product][product_length]" value="<?php echo $this->escape(@$this->product->product_length); ?>"/>
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on"><?php
echo str_replace('#MYTEXT#', '<i class="hk-icon-14 icon-14-width"></i>', hikashop_tooltip(JText::_('PRODUCT_WIDTH'), '', '', '#MYTEXT#', '', 0));
<input size="10" style="width:50px" type="text" id="data_product__product_width" name="data[product][product_width]" value="<?php echo $this->escape(@$this->product->product_width); ?>"/>
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on"><?php
echo str_replace('#MYTEXT#', '<i class="hk-icon-14 icon-14-height"></i>', hikashop_tooltip(JText::_('PRODUCT_HEIGHT'), '', '', '#MYTEXT#', '', 0));
<input size="10" style="width:50px" type="text" id="data_product__product_height" name="data[product][product_height]" value="<?php echo $this->escape(@$this->product->product_height); ?>"/>
<?php echo $this->volume->display('data[product][product_dimension_unit]', @$this->product->product_dimension_unit, 'dimension', '', 'class="no-chzn" style="width:93px;"'); ?>
3. I don't recommend doing that. It will be so much longer to maintain in the future.
You might actually not know but you don't need to fill anything in the variants. The data that you don't enter in the variants is automatically taken from the main product. That way, when you want to change it in the future, instead of having to update all the variants one by one with the same change, you can just update the data in the main product and all the variants will automatically use the new data. I see it as even better than prefilling the variants with the data from the main product when you edit them.
3.1 regarding the variants default image on the checkout cart, I tried to reproduce the problem but it's working fine on my end. First the default item layout has no link with the way show_block_cart display itself, and on my end, the main product image is automatically used when the variant doesn't have one itself, whether the variant has been edited and saved, or not.
4. You'll have to edit the file "show_block_dimensions" and at the bottom modify the code of the brand display to include the image of the brand. Here is a thread about that: