1. Indeed, weight and dimensions in the products are necessary, so it's a good thing you added them.
2. In each product, where you enter the weight and dimensions, you can select the unit you want to use. The default one when you create a new product will be the first one that you have in the weight/dimensions units setting of the HikaShop configuration.
3. I don't know why the manual shipping method is free. I would say it is because you didn't enter anything in the "price" field of the shipping mehtod but I can't see the field on your screenshot of that shipping method as Joomla's floating footer goes over it. So I'm not sure what you entered in that field. Please check that you entered an amount in it.
4. Regarding the canpar and canada post shipping methods, they don't appear because you didn't finish configuring them.
That's why you get these error messages on that screenshot:
In this screenshot, you didn't enter the merchant id provided by the shipping plateform (you need to ask them how to get it if you don't have one) nor the zone (country) of your shop/warehouse address:
And in this screenshot, you didn't enter the warehouse information at all: