I want to override date format from 2019-04-29 to 29-04-2019 (
in all invoices generated
I have already overridden all the other texts for the english language file so that when I update the component the overrides are still there
but I don't understand how to do this for the date format
I am using the hikashop_attachinvoice plugin to generate the invoices, not sure if this is related...
all I see in the invoice.php file is (I have overriden the original file already to apply other changes)
if(!empty($this->element->order_invoice_created)) {
echo JText::_('DATE').': '.hikashop_getDate($this->element->order_invoice_created,'%d %B %Y');
echo JText::_('DATE').': '.hikashop_getDate($this->element->order_created,'%d %B %Y');
I think the invoice date format 2019-04-29 may be coming from elsewhere, but I can't find any language strings with a date format in Hikashop language file
Thank you