1. You can edit the view file cart / show.php and add A tag around an icon with some javascript code to add a refresh button. For example:
<a onclick="return window.hikashop.submitform('apply','hikashop_show_cart_form');"><i class="fa fa-sync"></i></a>
that you can add just before the code:
<a title="<?php echo JText::_('HIKA_DELETE'); ?>" class="hikashop_no_print" href="#delete" onclick="var qtyField = document.getElementById('<?php echo $this->last_quantity_field_id; ?>'); if(!qtyField) return false; qtyField.value = 0; return window.hikashop.submitform('apply','hikashop_show_cart_form');" title="<?php echo JText::_('HIKA_DELETE'); ?>">
which is for the delete icon.
2. In the same view file, you can change the line:
'extra_data' => 'data-hk-product-name="'.$this->escape(strip_tags($product->product_name)).'"',
'extra_data' => 'data-hk-product-name="'.$this->escape(strip_tags($product->product_name)).'" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13 && window.cartMgr.checkQuantity(this)){ window.hikashop.submitform(\'apply\',\'hikashop_show_cart_form\'); }"',
in order to handle that properly.
3. The only thing I can think of which would do that is if you have the "login" setting of the checkout tab of the HikaShop configuration turned off and thus the login form is not displayed on the checkout.
4. That's hard to say anything helpful without looking at the situation directly. I believe this might be an issue between the way the menu items are setup with their language restrictions. Could you provide precise instructions with a link to the shop so that we could reproduce the issue ?
5. Regarding point 1 and 2, we'll add these changes in the next version of HikaShop as they are good improvements. Thanks for your feedback on them.