Thank you for taking the time to read my situation and reply.
Ok great that options have all the functionalities, however doing that for every product, it is going to be a pain, because:
1. For every product, there will be other 9 products (options) assigned to this main product.
2. For every assigned product (options) there will be assigned characteristics to that product (option).
3. You have to edit the price of all these 9 options' characteristics for every main product you make.
In short, this means going to 9 different pages just to edit one price for one product, that's a lot of hassle.
I know it is very hard to edit the core, and it will be lost with updates, however, what I was thinking is just to guide me which file I can edit to have the ability to add characteristics individually, let me make it simpler:
Now when I am about to add values to characteristics it forces me to add the values of all the other characteristics with an alert message "Please select a value for each characteristic of your product"
I fixed the javascript so this alert message doesn't pop up anymore, however now the PHP part, will not INSERT any (data) INTO the corresponding table in the database, because you have made it not to insert any data if there is more than a characteristic selected for one product, what I simply need is to edit this part where it lets me add (values fo characteristics without forcing me to add values for other characteristics selected for a product) In case this works fine then that's it if it didn't work, then I guess I will have to switch to another component or unfortunately I will have to stick to customizing the view of the /administrator component and the /site component to be able to achieve what I want to achieve, if I only had time I wouldn't have complained about this at all, but unfortunately I don't really have time to do all these customizations.
Please suggest another solution other than the options if you could. Also like I said earlier, I customized the characteristics part to be displayed as images, and instead of radio buttons you can select an image, so by using options I will have to do another customization to make it look like I made it look for "characteristics"
But for the future, I guess you better group the characteristics, like make a characteristics category, and assign different characteristics to different categories, in that case, a user will not be forced to edit 100 different prices to 20 different values in characteristics, like my scenario above.
Just think about it, if I have 10 colors and 5 sizes I will have to fix 50 different prices for these options while if it was like I am saying you will only have to do that 15 times so it is 15 vs 50 and in my scenario, it is 93,750 different options VS 45 options.
Can you see how it gets complicated once you have more than 3 or 4 characteristics?
I really look forward to hearing from you about, if you just could guide me about which file I can edit to fix this restriction of being forced to add all the options every time I want to add a value for a characteristic.