I did a test and it works fine:
I suppose that the issue comes from the address you're using for your test.
Make sure it's a valid address.
Also, I remember you said recently that you used the address_street2 field for the house number:
And you have modified the track and label MyParcel plugin to support that change.
But I suppose you didn't modify the MyParcel Pickup plugin for that.
You should edit the file plugins/hikashopshipping/myparcelpickup/myparcelpickup.php and change the line:
$street = SplitStreet::SplitStreet(@$order->shipping_address_full->shipping_address->address_street, $src_country, $dst_country);
$street = SplitStreet::SplitStreet(@$order->shipping_address_full->shipping_address->address_street.' '.@$order->shipping_address_full->shipping_address->address_street2, $src_country, $dst_country);
I've also added a patch to the MyParcel pickup plugin to display an error message when no pickup location is found because of the address.