So far only you and ImageVillage have reported the problem. And we couldn't get any FTP access from any of you so we couldn't check the situation.
So we still don't know why you would get that problem and thus it's hard to say.
If I had a backend and a FTP access, the first thing I would do is to check the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php
That's the main file of HikaShop.
There, you should find this line, which asks the loading of the font-awesome library:
And this code, which actually loads the font-awesome library in the document object of Joomla:
case 'font-awesome':
if($css) {
$admin = hikashop_isClient('administrator');
$fa_type = $config->get('font-awesome-type', '');
if(empty($fa_type) || ($admin && $fa_type == 'admin') || (!$admin && $fa_type == 'front')) {
$fa = $config->get('font-awesome', 'local');
if($fa == 'local')
if($fa == 'cdn')
$ret = true;
I would first check that this code is there and corresponds to what I just posted above.
Then, I would add some echo code to make sure that the variables $fa_type and $fa have the correct value that the line $doc->addStyleSheet(HIKASHOP_CSS.'font-awesome.css?v=5.2.0'); is called.
If that's the case, then HikaShop loads font-awesome in the page, and something else removes it from the page. I would think that it would be a system plugin, probably installed together with the template (although I'm just speculating here).
If that's not the case, then that means that the entries with the namekey font-awesome and font-awesome-type don't have the correct value in the hikashop_config table. And thus I would update them in the hikashop_config table with the correct value (font-awesome's value needs to be 'local' or 'cdn', and font-awesome-type's value needs to be 'admin' or empty).