If you used Falang when you added the translations, they are stored in the falang_content table of your database.
And when the page displays, the Falang driver system plugin will convert the translations on the fly.
If you disable or uninstall Falang, the translations are still in the falang_content table so HikaShop translation edition interface can still display them to you in the backend. But since the convertion of the text is done by Falang on the frontend, if you disable Falang, then it won't work.
If you want to use HikaShop's new capability of translation overrides without Falang, it's possible. To do that, you need to uninstall Falang, and then rename the table falang_content in your phpmyadmin.
Note however that you'll have to redo your translations via the translation interface so that they can be saved as translation overrides.
There is no mechanism to migrate translations from falang_content to the translation overrides.