Yes. If it happened just a week ago, it's probable that you've configured the "smart search" on your website just before it started happening.
That bug comes from a change we made for Joomla 4 support in the smart search plugin which breaks the compatibility with Joomla 2.5.
Replace the line:
$item = Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper::toObject($row, 'FinderIndexerResult');
$item = ArrayHelper::toObject((array) $row, 'FinderIndexerResult');
in /storage/content/nn/nnnnnn/site.com/public_html/plugins/finder/hikashop/hikashop.php and that should fix the problem.
If not, you can also disable the finder hikashop plugin via the Joomla plugins manager so that products won't be indexed by the smarch search mechanism.
We'll make a patch for that for the next version of HikaShop.