The issue is indeed with the CSS of your template.
It has the CSS code:
body .hikashop_checkout_page .hikashop_checkout_payment table tr td input[type="radio"]:empty, body .hikashop_checkout_page .hikashop_checkout_shipping table tr td input[type="radio"]:empty {
margin-left: -99999px;
in the file /templates/r_ivee/custom/css-compiled/hydrogen_17.css
However, that CSS code should be :
body .hikashop_checkout_page .hikashop_checkout_payment table tr td input[type="radio"]:empty, body .hikashop_checkout_page .hikashop_checkout_shipping table tr td input[type="radio"]:empty {
Because with the margin on the input, it also moves the label after it together out of the frame of the page. With display:none; it just hides the input without changing anything for the label.
I don't recommend you modify the CSS in that file directly because that's a compiled CSS file. Your change would be removed at some point when you save the CSS of your template, or update your template.
The best will be to report the issue to your template provider so they can update the CSS in the template and you just had to update it.