Sure, create two mass actions:
- one with a trigger "after a product is updated", a filter on the category column category_id equal to the id of the category with a different warehouse, and an action "update the values" on the column "product_warehouse_id" with the mode "int" and the value being the id of the different warehouse
- one with a trigger "after a product is updated", a filter on the category column category_id different to the id of the category with a different warehouse, and an action "update the values" on the column "product_warehouse_id" with the mode "int" and the value being the id of the main warehouse
You can manually process the mass actions once to process the products already entered in the shop. And then, whenever you save the settings of a product, the mass actions system will run the appropriate action based on the filters and thus automatically set the warehouse when you change the categories of the products.