There is indeed a way to translate it.
Just use the namekey as the translation key for your translation override.
For example if the namekey is "my tax rate at 10%", the translation key would be "MYTAXRATEAT10".
How to make translation overrides:
Note that only latin letters, numbers and underscore are used for translation namekeys.
However, if the namekey doesn't have any of these, then the system will generate a sha1 of the text, which would then be uppercased, and then prepended with T to generate the translation key.
So for example, if your namekey is "Általános forgalmi adó", the translation namekey would be "LTALNOSFORGALMIAD"
But if your namekey is "付加価値税" (VAT in japanese), then the translation namekey would be "T68174B4E441F1686C879364A084E0E58323ED607"
You can convert text to sha1 with online tools like