I wasted money on this because i asked acymailing if they could make this work on my site and they adviced to find a freelancer on fiverr, and as i can get confused who i tolf what in which way specifically since i don't think "developer" i think (assume) logically, they apparently misunderstood and i only found out buy paying 2 freelancers that could not set this up for me.
To be fair to the freelancers, all of them are expert in mailchimp and none of them to be found expert in acymailing.
So after i knew exactly what to say and ask acymailing, it was not possible in acymailing until maybe 1 day they make it.
As this is, at least for me as a none developer, always the way things seem to go with anything joomla related, i choose not to be patient and wait if acymailing makes it and again go through the trouble of leanring this super non-intuitive software. I like to have something that works, not because i would like it, but because it is logical to have such a thing working. (i bet no one dares to imply they do not get a follow up email for reviews with 90% of all purchases they make)