Greetings Mr. HikaShop
my name is, Alcides Bellido
I'm new to this component HikaShop
Generally carts and the management product catalogs with VirtueMart.
7 months until I found out HikaShop and see what can be achieved with this component does. For versatility and speed of the options that can be handled.
I need your help in the following:
Modulos change their initial position
I have 3 modules Right position
- Module menu, list of categories and K2 Module Tools
The 3 modules are run footer,
when peak delles features and product view.
I want to know why this happens if,
direct peak when the main menu looks good.
The modules remain in their assigned position and only when I see the characteristics change position.
I want to know I'm doing wrong ..!
Attachment 3 pictures of the view
I am using: Template organic life