In order to answer you, I will process step bu step :
"Q1- I noticed that the order# used in Shipstation is actually the order id and not the order # in Hikashop.
If the customer tries to lookup their order in Shipstation returns page using the order # they see in the Hikashop orders page, it doesn't match.
How can I fix this?
Either send Hikashop order # and not order id to shipstation or replace order # in the customer Hikashop orders page and the emails sent with order id instead of order #?"
Unfortunately we have to do this, because to work HikaShop needs the order ID, now maybe you have understand it, when Shipstation notify HikaShop, there sent Order Number but not the Order Id, that why we switch them.
We can of course offer solution to work with this limit, but for this can you precise what is in our mind the "Shipstation returns page" because we don't understand it, sorry for this.
"Q2- I see the tracking number at the bottom of the order details page.
If I want to add the complete url for tracking, which view do I need to modify?"
A little like previous subject can you specific in which context you want to add the Url link, and also, so far the Shipstation plugin didn't get from Shipstation servers the Tracking Url, and check it on their documentation and wasn't able to find data about this, have you ?
Maybe the tracking number can be build from the tracking number and specific Url format, but this will depends from which carrier and service I guess.
"Q3- The product name sent to Shipstation contains html tags. Ex.: Product123<span class="hikashop_product_variant_subname">: Black</span>
How can I fix this?"
Yeah, you re right about this point, and to fix this you have to follow me step by step :
1. Open your plugin folder : YourWebsite/\plugins\system\shipstation
2. Edit the shipstation.php file
3. Around line 350, look for "$product->order_product_name"
4. And then convert it to string, you will have to "test" it through a regex and remove if there are here unwanted html tag with the "strip_tags"
Hope this will help you to figure out, and progress on your subject.