Hi, thanks for your response
Unfortunately the popup-anywhere plugin is no longer available, maybe you know another one with the same functionality.
With the other option, I couldn't get it to work either. I have little experience, but I understand that the code of the link you sent me, I must add it in the view where I need to use qlModal (product / show_tabular.php).
Adapt the code but it didn't work, it shows error message:
"500 JHtml qlmodal not found."
I leave it copied here in case you understand it and can give me some help
$text = JHtml::_('qlmodal.prepare', $text);
$article = new stdClass;
$article->text = $text;
$params = new JObject;
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('some.context', &$article, &$params, 0));
Thanks greetings !