-- HikaShop version -- : HikaShop Business 4.3.0
-- Joomla version -- : Joomla! 3.9.19
-- PHP version -- : 7.2.33
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Google Chrome 84.0.4147.135
With this documentation page, I understood how to customize the "product" view:
example: I moved the title block to the right column
But I have a problem in the html, which is located above: when we look at the Htlml structure, we see that the template (I use the "Konstra" joomla template from Joomshaper) displays the "aside" tag which is empty, and which takes 4 out of 12 columns
I need the product display to take 100% of the width, which is 12 columns by 12
in fact I have this problem with this template, the width of the content is not dynamic: if no module on the side, then the content takes 100% of the width
I fixed this problem for the "article" pages -> I modified this file as follows:
<div class="article-body-content <?php if ($doc->countModules('right')) echo('col-sm-9'); else echo('col-sm-12'); ?>">
But I don't know which Konstra template file loads the "product" view: my question is -> which file of my konstra template I have to modify to add the width of the dynamic content (if no module in position right, then content takes 100% width)
Can you help me please,