2. If there is a crash during the process of something when the cron is triggered, then you won't get notified and the process will stop in the middle. For example, suppose that you have 3 mass actions configured to trigger every minute, and you have a cron configured to trigger every 15 minutes. So the cron will trigger the mass actions every 15 minutes and each mass action will run each time as their frequency is lower. However, if you have an error popping in the first one, then it will stop the process and the two others won't be executed.
If you want to run your mass actions more often, you would have to configure your own cron as the one we provide has a minimum frequency of 15 minutes:
3. Supposing that you use the standard HikaShop product cron update plugin, there is no option to activated that, but if you have a parameter update_product_quantity in the URL of your cron task, it's possible that the quantity is added instead of replaced.
That's done by the code:
if(JRequest::getInt('update_product_quantity','0') && $field=='product_quantity' && $product->product_quantity != -1){
$product->product_quantity += $already[$product->product_id]->$field;
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/import.php