The "access level" filter of the "product" data is related to the "access level" of your products, not to the "access level" of the prices of the products.
So with the filter you selected you will target "all the products where the user group "super admin" is selected in the "access level" setting of the product". These are the products that the users from this user group can access on the frontend. It has nothing to do with prices.
Then, there are two cases:
1. You only have one price configured in your products, without "all" selected in the "access level" setting of the price. In that case, being able to split the price into two, one for the users of your specific user group, and another one for everyone else will be difficult. You would need to run several complex queries through your database.
2. Or you already have one price specifically configured for the user group you want to target. In that case, you can run a MySQL query like this:
UPDATE #__hikashop_price set price_value = price_value*1.06 WHERE price_access LIKE '%,xx,%'
where #__ needs to be replaced by the table prefix of the tables, and xx by the id of the user group you want to target.
This will update the price already available for the users of your specific user group.
Finally, if you already have prices in your products, but that the prices are for all the users. Instead of creating different prices, which will be rather difficult ( as I was saying above ), a simpler solution would be to create a discount for that user group via the menu Orders>Discounts. That way, the discount will apply on the fly on the frontend for the users of the user group.