Thank you for the information. I came across this information in a previous post (
) and I'm trying to alter it to fit my needs. Can you possibly tell me where I'm going wrong?
I'm attempting to left join the address table and then grab these three values to filter on: address_lastname. address_firstname, remotesupportpassword. Again, any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.
From previous forum post:
"Ok so in your case, you can edit the file: "yourSite/administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/view.html.php
And add the line:
$tables = ' INNER JOIN '.hikashop_table('address').' AS d LEFT JOIN; (altered by me)
Just before:
$query = ' FROM '.hikashop_table('order').' AS b LEFT JOIN '.hikashop_table('user').' AS a ON b.order_user_id=a.user_id LEFT JOIN '.hikashop_table('users',false).' AS c ON '.$tables.$filters.$order;
Oh I forgot one thing, , you need to add ",d.*" like this:
$database->setQuery('SELECT a.*,b.*,c.*,d.*'.$query,(int)$pageInfo->limit->start,(int)$pageInfo->limit->value);
in the file: "yourSite/administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/view.html.php and in the function listing().
Add "d.order_product_code" in the searchmap:
$searchMap = array('','c.username','','a.user_email','b.order_user_id','b.order_id','b.order_full_price','d.address_lastname','d.address_firstname','d.remotesupportpassword'); (altered by me)
And then you can filter by product code in the filter field on the left."