While the code changed, it's still roughly the same. If you look carefully in the preload, you'll see the pieces of code, with slight differences and you can apply the changes.
For example, for the first piece of code, it is now:
foreach($data->cart->products as $item) {
if($group && $item->order_product_option_parent_id)
$product = @$productClass->all_products[$item->product_id];
$cartProduct = array(
'PRODUCT_CODE' => $item->order_product_code,
'PRODUCT_QUANTITY' => $item->order_product_quantity,
'PRODUCT_IMG' => '',
'item' => $item,
'product' => $product,
As you can see, there is only the line
$product = @$productClass->all_products[$item->product_id];
which is different.
So you can apply the same changes and you'll get:
$total_quantity = 0;
foreach($data->cart->products as $item) {
if($group && $item->order_product_option_parent_id)
$product = @$productClass->all_products[$item->product_id];
$cartProduct = array(
'PRODUCT_CODE' => $item->order_product_code,
'PRODUCT_QUANTITY' => $item->order_product_quantity,
'PRODUCT_IMG' => '',
'item' => $item,
'product' => $product,
$total_quantity += $item->order_product_quantity;
And it's the same for the second code. It is now:
if(bccomp(sprintf('%F',$data->cart->order_discount_price),0,5) != 0 || bccomp(sprintf('%F',$data->cart->order_shipping_price),0,5) != 0 || bccomp(sprintf('%F',$data->cart->order_payment_price),0,5) != 0 || ($data->cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value!=$data->cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax) || !empty($data->cart->additional)){
$cartFooters[] = array(
'CLASS' => 'subtotal',
'NAME' => JText::_('SUBTOTAL'),
'VALUE' => $currencyHelper->format($subtotal,$data->cart->order_currency_id)
as you can see, it's only the first line which change and thus you can still change the line:
'VALUE' => $currencyHelper->format($subtotal,$data->cart->order_currency_id)
'VALUE' => $currencyHelper->format($subtotal,$data->cart->order_currency_id) . ' for '.$total_quantity.' product(s)'